
12Apr 2018

Working for an extended amount of time without taking a break epitomizes the classic American work ethic. Pulling 70+ hours at the office, skipping meals, taking calls whenever they come in, answering emails into the wee hours of the morning, working through every weekend—basically slave-driving oneself—is often regarded as virtuous—like some bizarre, ultimate proof of […]

30Aug 2017

Growth doesn’t come when things are going smoothly. And in my experience, “transformative” (I know…I hate that word too…because it’s overused and over-hyped) growth is usually born out of struggle and sacrifice and a steadfast commitment to something that is hard and challenging. The reality is that most people avoid the one thing that gets […]

28Oct 2015

At first glance you might think I’m encouraging you to pick a fight with a TSA agent and then consume copious amounts of your favorite hoppy beer while swarmed by security guards. I wouldn’t recommend any of these choices unless you enjoy spending time in an airport detention room, reflecting on your ill-guided transgressions. What […]

15Sep 2015

The most common complaint I hear from my clients and colleagues is, “I wish I had more time!” There are many reasons for this. We commit ourselves to an inordinate amount of tasks, and end up with way more on our plates than we can handle. We allow our co-workers to distract us from staying focused on […]

16Jun 2015

This article is dedicated to all those people who planned the perfect day only to have it go completely off the rails. Here is a simple productivity hack to gain back what’s rightfully YOURS: Time to do what wanted to do in the first place. It happens to all of us at some point. You’re […]

07Apr 2015

In a world run amok with countless distractions caused by smartphones, social media, chatty colleagues, and your own wandering thoughts; how can a silly tomato possibly help you achieve more focus? Does eating a tomato give you elevated powers of concentration? No–(although throwing a tomato at some annoying person who’s talking way too loud on their cell […]