Do you have a special friendship with someone who just energizes you and helps you be a better person? Someone that may stretch your perception of reality and what you believe or are open to exploring? I have developed a wonderful relationship with two dear friends who I affectionately call the Woo-Woo Sisters.

While we met through a business networking group many years ago, we have discovered that we have this spiritual, metaphysical and life-affirming connection that is deeper and more interesting than talking business. Our coffee talks are wide open in the sense that there are no filters. In other words, nothing is too “out there.” We talk about the meaning of life, healing, soul signs, spirits, past-lives, power of thoughts, card reading, energy work and plenty of other stuff that may be a bit too “woo-woo” for most.

When we get together, our conversations last for hours and hours and we lose track of time. And I always walk away filled with a sense of peace, wonder and excitement about how my life is unfolding in front of me. I wanted to share one of the many nuggets of wisdom that I walked away with from our last gathering.

What’s Your Percentage?

We were chatting about doing things that fill us with joy and passion. And one of the Woo-Woo Sisters said that she determines what she focuses on by what brings her joy and passion. She went even further and said that if something doesn’t fit the “joy and passion” test, she didn’t do it.

Loving the concept, I had to ask the question, “So how much of your actual day is filled with stuff that gives you joy or passion? The answer surprised me a bit; but it also inspired me. After a very brief moment of reflection, she said 95%.

“Wow. That’s awesome!” I said. And then I confessed my number was probably only about 80%, which I felt was pretty darn good compared to most.

Two Thoughts

But that awareness immediately gave me two thoughts. First, I have room to improve and cut out or reduce the 20% of stuff that isn’t energizing me. Before that moment, I felt like 80% was a great place to be. Instantly, my perception was expanded and I recognized that 80% was not good enough.

And the second thought – perhaps I needed to reframe my definition of “joy” so that I could find and appreciate the simple joys that surround me every day. The fact is that I do that now, but I needed to go deeper. I needed to broaden my perspective and see joy in those things that fulfill me in some way, not simply excite me.

Do you get the distinction? I think sometimes I think of “joy” as being something where you are on top of the world and feeling a deep sense of happiness. And nothing is wrong with that. We all want and love those joyful moments which excite and energize us – those Kodak moments that fill our memory bank with memorable or special experiences. But what about finding “joy” in simpler and less emotional experiences?

It requires me to be even more mindful and present throughout my day, appreciating the daily tasks that I do. It also requires me to be more purposeful and intentional. In other words, with my raised awareness, I have to ask the question, “Is what I’m doing right now bringing me joy?” And if not, do I need to do it at all? Or can I do it in a different way (or perhaps change my perception or perspective of it) so that I can see and appreciate the joy that it provides?

Where Are You?

So how much of your day is spent in “joy and passion?” Do a quick mental inventory of how you are spending your day and come up with your own percentage and then decide if you are where you want to be. More importantly, do you want to increase your percentage? And what will you do to make that happen?

Next week, I’ll share a simple exercise that will help you create a method to bring and keep more joy and passion in your life. Gotta love those Woo-Woo Sisters!



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