Company: Randstad USA | Professional Staffing Industry
Client: Mark Bernecker; Regional Managing Director; Richmond, Cincinnati & Nashville Offices
Objective: Mark was short on resources and time and wanted to ramp up the production of a Staffing Consultant so he could move her into an Account Executive role in the shortest amount of time.
Action: RefuseOrdinary responded by developing a customized version of our ACE-25 program. It was designed to create the fastest possible track to top quartile production. A phone and web based coaching system, this particular version had an emphasis on client production. The success of the program was due to combining high performance coaching techniques with daily accountability and measurable reporting.
Results: After 60 days of consistent one-on-one coaching, the participant displayed steady improvement and achieved 166% increase in overall production. With the help of this program she now has proven she possesses the production habits necessary to excel in the role of Account Executive. This program is currently being recommended to other major east coast offices.
Client Contact:
Mark Bernecker
Regional Managing Director, Randstad USA
Richmond, Cincinnati & Nashville Offices
The Board of Directors of the firm realized that to be more competitive, we really needed to invest in our attorneys. Like other law firms, we’ve seen increased competition and more rate sensitivity in recent years. To set ourselves up for growth, we knew we had to give our attorneys the tools, skills and strategies for business development success. And, our attorneys were asking for training.
We found the perfect partner to our coach search with RefuseOrdinary. They customized their business development program for our team and partnered with us to develop and implement a 10-month business development curriculum that has increased enthusiasm, focus, consistency, strategy, accountability and results.
Not only is the content of the materials top-notch and based on proven research, the learning process implemented by RefuseOrdinary guarantees that our people are able to easily take the information and apply it immediately.
We implemented a selection process to identify attorneys who were genuinely interested in developing their skills and to ensure commitment. Our selected attorneys fell into two groups. The first group was seeking to solve the "conversion" mystery and better understand business development because they felt they lacked the skills, approach, focus or strategies they needed. The second group was more seasoned and already had years of success with business development and recognized a need to evolve their strategies and reenergize their efforts. Both groups made tremendous strides and became more confident, consistent and focused with their business development activities with this program.
The other component to the overall business development program was offering several topic-specific business development workshops for all attorneys to attend throughout the year. These workshops were valuable for introducing concepts and skills being taught in the two groups.
The group participants have become huge advocates and we are seeing the impact at our practice group meetings and internal discussions. There’s a shift occurring with how the entire firm talks about business development, and there’s no doubt that it’s increasing collaboration, improving business development results and impacting our culture in a very positive way. We are expanding the reach of RefuseOrdinary’s business development program to more of our attorneys in the coming year.
Client Contact:
Jennifer Yeager
Director of Marketing