All posts by: Chris Harris

About Chris Harris

I recently read an article in SUCCESS Magazine, addressing something I thought was nearly impossible—scientific proof of the possibility to change people around you for the better. Given the recent violence in Charlottesville and around the world, this seems like a timely, but absurd, notion. How can you realistically influence people to adopt a more […]

Hitting the wall is a universal experience, and anyone who works exceptionally hard, pushing towards a goal over an extended period of time, will eventually be faced with this seemingly-inexplicable phenomenon. It often shows up without warning. Your momentum suddenly comes to a grinding halt, and you find yourself uninspired, unmotivated, unfocused, anxious, bored, pissed […]

You just had a wonderful lunch with Susan, a colleague of 4 years. You exchanged stories about your families, you gave each other a progress report on your respective businesses, and you shared some details on some great promotional strategies you’d learned earlier in the month. Now you’re back at your desk, answering a few […]