All posts by: Will Turner

About Will Turner

I have to admit, it’s a work in progress. It all began as I sat sobbing like a ‘bloody’ baby in a small hotel room in Taupo, New Zealand. It was a trip that profoundly changed my life. I had been in “Kiwi Land” all of four days, anxiously awaiting the countdown until I would […]

I get comments, more often than I expect, from people who say I have a “charmed” life. It always surprises me a bit, because I always thought of someone having a “charmed” life as somehow falling into it. Being born rich, beautiful or both comes to mind. And that ain’t me! When people say it […]

Let’s face it, some people have it and some people don’t. And while you can get it (and we’ll share how), some people never will. Or maybe you lost it like Austin Powers. The French call it joie de vivre. Some people say it’s living large or being in that all-desired sweet spot. But “getting […]

Is procrastination holding you back? Here are 10 powerful ways to overcome the “put-it-off-until-tomorrow” bug: Do something small to get started. Gather all the materials or work tools needed to do the task. Start your day with the most unpleasant task first. Set aside 15 minutes today to work on your project. Think how you […]