All posts by: Will Turner

About Will Turner

The more I learn, the more I’m amazed at how most folks beat themselves up and limit their own success, often without realizing they are their own worst enemy. They are often stuck in a “woe-is-me” mentality that keeps them working harder and harder to make ends meet. I should know, I used to be […]

Today is one of those great rainy Sundays. The kind that are made for being lazy in bed or relaxing with the Sunday paper. But I woke up with a sense of urgency. Since I’m only in Richmond, Virginia for a few more days before I pack my car to relocate to San Francisco, I […]

I consider myself a pretty proficient networker. I’ve been doing it consistently for over 30 years. I’ve studied it for years. In fact, I’ve written articles, created training workshops and taught networking skills for more than a decade. Today, I was reminded by someone who is a true master at the craft what it takes […]

Earlier this week, I was out with two of my friends on our morning run. At one point, Cheryl and I  were running side by side as our other friend pulled up the rear. Cheryl had attended my “How To Have A Kick-Ass Life Now!” workshop a couple days earlier and had commented that some […]