IMG_2915If you’re like most people, you do it at least 1,095 times a year and you do it WRONG. And each time you do it wrong, you compromise your health, energy and longevity. I have to admit that I did it wrong for a large portion of my life. It’s easy to do it the way everyone else is doing it. But if you do, you’ll have a one in three chance of developing diabetes and a one in four chance of dying from cardiovascular disease.

Of course, I’m talking about eating; something fundamental to our existence. Most of us eat at least three times a day. And with each bite, we are feeding ourselves something that will either fuel our body for optimal performance or something that will slowly poison and destroy us.

I could go on a food rant here. But for now, I’m going to simply say, “Do you know what you’re eating?” And more importantly, “Do you know what it’s doing to you?” Is it processed (does it come from a box or is pre-packaged)? Or are you eating unpackaged whole foods? Are the foods you’re eating lacking in nutrients or are they nutrient-dense? Are they filled with salt, sugar or artificial preservatives?  Are you getting the right mix of carbohydrates, proteins and fats? Do you even know what the right mix is?

Are your choices actually healthy? Did you even know that:

  • a bottle of Vitamin Water has 8 cubes of sugar in it?
  • olive oil really isn’t good for you?
  • 2% milk has 35% fat?
  • one egg has the same amount of dietary cholesterol as two Burger King Whoppers?
  • cheese is the number one source of saturated fat in the American diet?

While we are increasingly health-conscious, we are being duped by food companies about what is actually healthy and natural. A recent example, Pepsi just got a whopping $9 million judgment against them for the unsubstantiated health claims it made with its Naked Juice product line. But they are far from alone in how they misrepresent the benefits or ingredients in their products.

It’s not just the food companies, however. We are often overwhelmed, confused or lazy. We take labeling or food marketing information for face value without deeper investigation. We don’t do our due diligence or we simply default to what’s easy and convenient. In other words, we are part of the problem. We may not have started the problem, but we are often complicit by our purchases.

If any of this is surprising or alarming to you, what are you going to do about it? I don’t know about you; but I figure that if I do something three times a day, I better become super educated about it. So that is what I’ve been doing for the past 15 months. I’ve been reading books and articles, reviewing studies, attending presentations and making much different choices on a daily basis.

It’s not always easy but it is critically important. In fact, I would argue that nothing else will impact your future health more than what you choose to eat. Does it get more important than that? So before you fill up your grocery cart, order a meal at your favorite restaurant or prepare your next dinner; do me a favor…make a choice that will make your body stronger and healthier. You’re worth it.




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