
06Aug 2014

Over the past few months, working with some of my business owner clients, I noticed a particular phrase popping up in various conversations: “What I really want next is _______________.” Inevitably the blank would be filled in with an arbitrary dollar amount, or more widespread fame, or recognition for an accomplishment. One day, however, a young business owner of 32, […]

23Jul 2014

We are all creatures of habit. And that’s both good news and bad news. The good news is that we are able to accomplish more throughout our day on automatic pilot. In fact, studies show that about 60-70% of our activities can happen with little discernible effort on our part. Let’s look at taking a […]

23Jul 2014

Heated conversations are practically an everyday occurrence– something as simple as a discrepancy over a payment, a customer dissatisfied with a recent purchase, or a single, misplaced word unwittingly uttered by a loved one. How we interact in these situations will greatly influence the outcome. For starters, it will be helpful to clarify the difference between REACTING and RESPONDING. Reacting to something you […]

18Jun 2014

  Last week I wrote an article on how to explore what makes your business different. I also posed a question: Once you clearly identify what makes you unique, how do you get more perfect-fit clients to naturally gravitate towards you without having to chase them? Here are 3 unexpected ways to get more perfect-fit […]

04Jun 2014

A month ago, I confessed. I admitted my social media addiction and pledged to do something about it. You can check out how I created some much-needed boundaries here. The good news is that I was successful. My goal was to limit my social media interface to 30 minutes a day for the past month. […]

04Jun 2014

For months, you’ve been working hard for the opportunity to get in front of a big, prospective client–the CEO of You’ve loaded your company’s YouTube videos onto your tablet, you’ve got the high-gloss brochures tucked into your briefcase for easy access, you’ve been rehearsing and honing your spiel at every spare moment, and the […]

21May 2014

Yesterday, I went to a funeral of a man I’ve never met. I arrived early and sat alone in the church pew waiting for the service to begin, watching photos of his life flash across a large monitor. Pictures of him as a young man serving during the Korean Conflict, pictures with his high school […]