
21May 2014

While I’m sure we’d all agree that seminars, workshops, and online courses are great resources for acquiring skills and techniques for increasing our productivity, the cost and time commitment can often render these options prohibitive; that leaves us to search for something that is both cost-effective and doesn’t take a lot of time. Here’re 6 […]

08May 2014

It’s the beginning of the month and some awesome new opportunities have fallen into your lap! The tasks at hand seem absolutely doable, and you’re feeling motivated and optimistic and inspired! Just as you’re winding up to dig in, an unexpected steaming pile of crises gets dumped onto your plate by your biggest client creating days of […]

23Apr 2014

I had a speaking engagement a few days ago, and the topic was: “How to shave 5 hours off your work week.” My talk was part of an interactive workshop that covered items such as making effective to-do lists, and conquering time-sucking email. After my talk, one of the participants asked me a thought provoking question, “After […]

02Apr 2014

I was conducting a mentoring workshop for a new client last week and the question came up, “What about having those tough conversations?” The president of the firm was raising a concern that many of us have. How do you approach a sensitive and potentially challenging conversation with someone you are mentoring? Of course, it […]

02Apr 2014

It’s the first thing in the morning and you’re still waking up and collecting your thoughts for the day. You’re contemplating all the things you want to tackle at work. You’ve even taken time to write out a to-do list for yourself. Now you feel like your day is organized and you know exactly what […]